Club Welfare
Club Welfare Officers play a key role in maintaining British Cycling’s high standards in relation to vulnerable groups participating in cycling; allowing peace of mind for participants, their families and Cycling Clubs by ensuring that everyone working with young people and vulnerable adults are suitable to do so.
The main aim of the role is to promote safeguarding within the Club, working with others to ensure that a safe and inclusive environment is achieved.
British Cycling Compliance
Our Club welfare officer has completed a UK Coaching Safeguarding and Protecting Children programme and all the Clubs’ volunteers are fully DBS checked through British Cycling.
If you would like to volunteer for the Club please email for more information on how to do so.
Reporting your concerns
British Cycling takes all allegations relating to safeguarding young people and vulnerable adults very seriously. It is everyone’s responsibility to report any concerns they may have.
If you are, or you know that a friend or child is being abused and in immediate danger then please contact one of the following.
Police: 999
NSPCC: 0808 800 5000
Childline: 0800 1111
If you are, or you know that a friend or child is, being abused but is not in immediate danger please complete one of the below forms and email to: please entitle your email “Safeguarding Concerns”.
Form for reporting a concern involving a child >
Alternatively, speak to your Club welfare officer who can then refer the case to British Cycling where necessary.
For further information on reporting procedures please consult the British Cycling Policy on the Safeguarding Homepage or visit